
'2014/11'에 해당되는 글 76건

  1. 2014.11.28 HWComposer 1 (HWC HAL, Gralloc HAL, FB HAL) by Real_G
  2. 2014.11.28 HWComposer 2 (Vendor Specific Display HAL) by Real_G
  3. 2014.11.25 Android CameraToMpegTest by Real_G
  4. 2014.11.25 GDG DevFest 발표 자료! Android MediaCodec 사용하기! by Real_G
  5. 2014.11.25 Android MediaCodec AAC 디코딩을 위한 필요한 부분은? by Real_G
  6. 2014.11.25 Android MediaCodec과 MediaMuxer! API 살펴보기 by Real_G
  7. 2014.11.25 Android MediaCodec stuff by Real_G
  8. 2014.11.21 ARM 리눅스 커널 3.0 포팅(Porting the Linux kernel 3.0 for ARM Architecture) by Real_G
  9. 2014.11.21 SlackwareArm Arm Slackware ArmedSlackware by Real_G
  10. 2014.11.21 How does Linux kernel detect and plug in your hardware? Kernel, sysfs, udev and dbus collaboration. by Real_G
  11. 2014.11.20 Slackware ARM inside QEMU by Real_G
  12. 2014.11.19 net drive 분석 by Real_G
  13. 2014.11.19 kernel parameter를 이용한 mtd block설정 by Real_G
  14. 2014.11.19 linux2.6.33에서 i2c probe함수 호출 및 dev i2c addr등록 방법 by Real_G
  15. 2014.11.19 mdev howto by Real_G
  16. 2014.11.19 linux2.6.33 USB Serial Gadget driver for s3c2440 by Real_G
  17. 2014.11.19 LCD 살리기 by Real_G
  18. 2014.11.18 Kernel low-level debugging functions by Real_G
  19. 2014.11.14 Linux2.6.33 for 1-Wire Master Driver using GPIO by Real_G
  20. 2014.11.14 Notifier chain by Real_G
  21. 2014.11.14 user mode helper by Real_G
  22. 2014.11.14 udev howto by Real_G
  23. 2014.11.14 linux-2.6.33 input device for gpio-keys by Real_G
  24. 2014.11.14 wpa_supplicant WPA-PSK TKIP방식 AP접속 방법 by Real_G
  25. 2014.11.14 kernel parameter를 이용한 mtd block설정 by Real_G
  26. 2014.11.14 Linux 날짜와 시간 by Real_G
  27. 2014.11.14 linux boot parameter by Real_G
  28. 2014.11.14 nfs 개발환경 구축 by Real_G
  29. 2014.11.14 안드로이드용 boot.img system.img ramdisk.img userdata.img 만들기, 만든후 unpack방법 by Real_G
  30. 2014.11.14 안드로이드 액티비티 잠금화면 풀고 어플실행하기. by Real_G
