Android ALSA Porting
출처 :
1. 공식사이트에서 다운로드 받아서 하는 방법
- ALSA interface does not recognized in original android source. So need to fix up followings,
- Apply alsa library , audio interface
git clone git://
==> copy alsa-lib directory to external directory (cp -a)
git clone git://
==> copy alsa_sound directory to hardware directory (cp -a)
- Modify file "build/target/board/generic/"
2. system/core/init/devices.c의 permmission 조정
struct perms_ {
char *name;
mode_t perm;
unsigned int uid;
unsigned int gid;
unsigned short prefix;
static struct perms_ devperms[] = {
{ "/dev/snd/", 0660, AID_ROOT, AID_AUDIO, 1 }, // 다음과 같은 세 줄을 추가한다.
{ "/dev/snd/dsp", 0660, AID_ROOT, AID_AUDIO, 0 },
{ "/dev/snd/mixer", 0660, AID_ROOT, AID_AUDIO, 0 },
{ NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
3. make 하시면 됩니다.