ocaml 연습.
# let rec cut i l ll = match i with
0 -> ll
| n -> cut (i-1) (List.tl l) ll@[List.hd l];;
val cut : int -> 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list = <fun>
# let rec insertr x y z = match z with
[] -> []
| h::tl -> if x=h then [h;y]@(insertr x y tl) else [h]@(insertr x y tl);;
# let rec last a = match a with
[] -> raise Not_found
h::tl -> if tl=[] then h else last tl;;
# let a = 1::2::3::4::5::[];;
val a : int list = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]
# let rec increment x = match x with
[] -> []
| h::tl -> [(h+1)]@increment tl;;
# let rec increment x = match x with
[] -> raise Not_found
| h::tl -> if tl=[] then [h+1]
else [h+1]@(increment tl) ;;
# let rec remove x y = match y with
[] -> []
| h::tl -> if x=h then (remove x tl) else [h]@(remove x tl);;
# let rec count_between m n = match n with
n -> if n=m then [] else [m]@(count_between (m+1) n);;
# let rec zip x y = match x with
[] -> []
| x -> [(List.hd x),(List.hd y)]@zip(List.tl x) (List.tl y);;
# let rec sum_to x = match x with
0 -> 0
| n -> sum_to (n-1)+n;;
# let rec occurs x l = match l with
[] -> 0
| h::tl -> if h=x then 1+(occurs x tl) else occurs x tl;;
# let rec mapit f l = match l with
[] -> []
| h::tl -> [f h]@(mapit f tl);;
# let rec triple l = match l with
[] -> []
| h::tl -> h::h::h::[]@(triple tl);;
# let rec append x y = match x with
[] -> begin match y with
[] -> []
| h::tl -> h::append [] tl
| h::tl -> h::append tl y;;
# let rec fact x = match x with
0 -> 1
| n -> n*(fact (n-1));;
# let rec fib x = match x with
0 -> 0
|1 -> 1
|n -> fib(n-2)+fib(n-1);;
and odd x = if x mod 2 = 1 then true else false;;
# let fib n =
let rec fib' i p q =
if i = n then p
else fib' (i+1) (p+q) p
if n = 1 then 1
else fib' 2 1 1;;